TCP - definitie. Wat is TCP
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Wat (wie) is TCP - definitie

Tcp; TCp; TcP; TCP (disambiguation)

Transmission Control Protocol (Reference: ARPANET)
Tape Carrier Package (Reference: CPU)



TCP may refer to:

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor TCP
1. the original NCP and TCP.
Children of the Sky _ Vernor Vinge _ Talks at Google
2. this is where you find your TCP.
Ripple - Enterprise Blockchain _ Chris Larsen & Stefan Thomas _ Talks at Google
3. But TCP was also protocol for cooperatively
The Internet as DIY connectivity _ Bob Frankston _ Talks at Google
4. is actually a lot like TCP/IP.
Ripple - Enterprise Blockchain _ Chris Larsen & Stefan Thomas _ Talks at Google
5. to the four layers in TCP/IP.
Ripple - Enterprise Blockchain _ Chris Larsen & Stefan Thomas _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor TCP
1. Of this about 3,50,000 tonnes were lying with the TCP.
2. The Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) has started selling sugar at the subsidized rates.
3. "Until we set this TCP in here, they‘d lay IEDs here every night," said Lt.
4. The most interesting of these is something called tricresyl phosphate or, TCP.
5. TCP/IP is an abbreviation of Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol.